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Jill is a retired Cambridge Public School Speech and Language Pathologist. She has over 30 years of experience working in urban schools and head trauma rehabilitation centers. In addition, Jill has taught  4th, 7th and 8th grade social studies and science classes and have always made a point of including African Americans’  contributions to those topics and others.  In Portsmouth, NH, she also serves on the Board of Directors for the Seacoast African American Cultural Center, (SAACC) and volunteers at  the Black Heritage Trail of NH. 


Aishah is a retired Cambridge Public School Library Media Specialist. She has been in education for approximately thirty-five years in both teacher and administrative roles. She is a mother of six and has nine grandchildren. Aishah continues to work tirelessly not only to introduce quality, diverse literature to her family, friends and community but still connects with her former students to discuss literature.  She enjoys reading with her 9 grandchildren and discovering the literature they love to read. 


Amatul is a retired Cambridge Public School Special Educator. She is also a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. She is committed to holding high expectations and accessing students to grade level, critical, diverse and culturally relevant learning. Amatul inspires all students to value themselves, realize their full potential and believe that although some will need to work harder, they can succeed with the right resources and,

in fact, excel in life. Amatul enjoys learning about everything!

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